President’s Message
Customer Requests System In February, the Shire initiated a customer requests management system whereby a customer rings, emails or visits the Shire in person to report a matter for us to resolve. An identifier number is issued for each request and given to the customer so that the matter can be tracked. The matter is then forwarded internally to the relevant department(s) within the Shire. It is assessed in terms of its resource need and prioritised accordingly. I encourage anyone to send in maintenance matters such as road potholes, trip hazards and other items, as the more eyes are looking out for things, the better the chance we have of dealing with them.
Major Projects Update
- Bakers Hill to Wundowie recycled water pipeline – Completed
- Bakers Hill oval reticulation - Completed
- Bakers Hill – Gt. Eastern Highway redesign – in conjunction with Main Roads, discussions are continuing on design improvements to mitigate the traffic dangers of Gt. Eastern Highway passing through the Bakers Hill town site.
- Avon River revitalisation – investigation into the effectiveness of sluice gates to deal with sediment build up in the Avon River pool is underway.
- Bernard Park drainage and swan enclosure – is progressing. Redesign of the swan enclosure has been undertaken.
- Bernard Park water playground – Completed. Unfortunately, ongoing vandalism is causing us some grief and we may need to shut the playground down until we can make the system more resilient.
- Northam town centre drainage - study is completed and $1m received from the State Government Royalties for Regions program to commence rectification of the drainage system during 2015/16.
- Aboriginal Culture and Environmental Interpretive Centre – Federal funding of $2.1m received and now progressing to formal design and tender contracts.
- Avon Health Precinct – stage 1 completed and the Wheatbelt Health Centre (Superclinic) established.
- Avon Mall development – concept design submitted to Council for 2015/16 funding consideration.
- Fitzgerald Street bins and street furniture – most bins have been designed and installed with outer covers reflecting the history of various areas in Fitzgerald Street. New benches have been installed and bollard posts renewed.
- Recycled water provision to the Northam Race Club – the project is complete but some contractual disputes are playing out between the contractors involved which is affecting our plans to upgrade various parts of the recycled water network system.
- Henry Street Oval drainage and turf coverage – sub soil drains are upgraded, turf patches replaced or re-sown and the oval seems to be coming along well
Northam Airport Apron resurfacing – Completed
- Old Northam Railway Station car park re-establishment – garden is removed and works commenced to action this project.
- Wundowie storm water harvesting, storage and treatment – is largely complete.
- Wundowie Youth Space (Skate park) – is progressing. Design is finalised and tenders are to be called shortly.
Road names The Shire is seeking to create a list of approved new road names for use in new property developments within the Shire. If you believe a certain name is relevant to particular geographical area, please let us know. We will be required to have some background as to why a name is relevant but at least if we can form a broad list, that will be a start. The recently named Holtfreter Avenue, in which the Wheatbelt Health Centre (Super clinic) is built, is an example of a newly named road.
Development Services
Public Health Plan Alcohol use, road safety, having access to fresh fruit and vegetables and ensuring an inclusive and caring community will all be addressed as part of a public health plan being developed by the Shire of Northam. The Shire is one of the first regional local governments in the State to develop such as plan and certainly one of the first in the Wheatbelt region. The Plan will identify Northam’s environmental and public health risks and ways to manage them, in partnership with the community and other agencies. A survey is available on the Shire of Northam’s website, which asks residents about their health concerns from farm safety, to affordable housing and getting active, as well as some personnel health issues and what they value about living in Northam. The survey provides an opportunity for residents to suggest ways the Council could improve their and their family’s health and wellbeing. The Shire of Northam’s CEO, Jason Whiteaker said the Shire would also review data on issues such as chronic disease, smoking, alcohol as well as looking at ways to provide traditional environmental health protection services. A key strategy in the Plan will include the Shire of Northam leading by example and ensuring healthy employees and policies. “Public health will be everyone’s responsibility” Jason said. The Plan will highlight public health needs as outlined by the community who complete the survey, as well as other organisations in the community. “It is too early to tell exactly what issues the Plan will address but based on local data, it seems that the Plan will address obesity, mental health, getting people active, alcohol issues and road safety. But the local knowledge and needs of the residents is an important part of developing the Plan and its strategies, so everyone is encouraged to complete it.”
Northam Library
CanTeen CanTeen has come to the Teen Library at Northam Library; if you’re a teen with cancer or have a family member or friend with cancer and would like one of the Canteen USB’s with information on their online support platform or to loan one of the “Now What Books” they are on display and available for loan. Further information on how to access the free counselling can also be found upstairs in the Teen Zone.
Adult Beginners Art Class Starting 24th of July, the class will run on Friday mornings from 10.00am – 11.00am to reserve your place in the class or for more information please email Hayley at [email protected]
The Dreamers Meet Mondays, upstairs in the Teen Zone. The group looks at how to effect positive change in the community and invite you to join them over a cuppa from 11.00am – 12.00pm.
After School Art Program Term 3 of this program will commence, 27th of July. Classes run on Monday and Wednesdays in the Community Resource Room from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. Spaces are limited, to secure your child’s place in the program, payment must be made at the time of booking. Further details can be found at or email Hayley on [email protected]
Wundowie Library
Communications 101 The next communications course will commence Saturday, August 8th from 10.00am – 11.00am. This interactive, experiential course covers active listening, conflict resolution, constructive feedback, recognising non-verbal communication. Spaces for this six week course are limited. To reserve your place, please email Hayley [email protected]
Minecraft Edu Due to the popularity of this Kids Club we have started a second session from 10.00am - 11.00am on Saturday mornings. Parents need to fill in registration forms to enable their child to join the class. Minimum age is ten years.
Wundowie Book Worms Book Club Meet Saturdays between 9.00am – 10.00am in Community Resource Room 2 over a cuppa. For more information ring Kaye on 9573 6205.