Useful Information for Seniors
Here at the Shire of Northam we value senior members of our community and we are working hard to provide a safe and inclusive environment for our over 60’s. We encourage active aging by providing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance the quality of life for our seniors.
Senior Sport
The Shire of Northam’s Senior Sport Program provides financial assistance to approved residents aged 60 years and over who wish to participate in sport and active recreation. Up to $100 is available for the payment of fees to join a participating club or activity. Applicants must hold a valid Health Care Concession or Pension Concession Card, live in the Shire of Northam and provide proof of age.
Contact the Northam Recreation Centre on 9622 5153 or [email protected] for further information.
Financial Assistance for Active Seniors

Killara Adult Day Care & Respite Centre
Killara provides flexible Cottage Respite, Centre based respite, social support services and Transport for older Australians aged 65 years and over or 50 years and over for aboriginal and/or torres strait islanders and their carers. Services are provided so these people may remain living and accessing the community.
If you would like to learn more about Killara Adult Day & Respite centre services, please feel free to scan the below QR Code and complete the Registration Form and one of our friendly staff members will give you a call. Alternatively you can phone us on 9622 5765, email [email protected] or pop in and see us at 2 Burgoyne Street, Northam WA 6401.
Register your interest in any of Killara's service by scanning or clicking on the QR code below.
Things to do & who to contact:
Seniors Social Groups
Northam Over 60’s |
0403 804 721 |
Silver Wings Over 55’s (Wundowie) |
9574 0133 |
Northam Seniors Social Club(carpet bowls) |
[email protected] |
Probus |
0437 703 588 |
President Annette Brown |
Sport & Fitness

Northam Recreation Centre(social sport, group fitness, walking groups, carpet bowls, zumba, pilates |
9622 5153 |
[email protected] |
Northam Lawn Bowls |
9622 2002 |
n[email protected] |
Northam Country Club
Golf – Andrew Quin Lawn Tennis – Kathy Saunders Squash - Deanne Willis |
9622 1050 |
[email protected] |
Northam and Districts Gun Club |
0417 990 715 |
[email protected] |
Avon Valley Adult Riding |
0499 030 177 |
Northam Running Club |
[email protected] |
Northam Women’s Keep Fit Club |
9622 5887 |
Regional Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic(Gym, group fitness, Living longer living stronger provider, seniors men’s classes) |
9622 5335 | |
Northam Hospital Falls Group |
9690 1320 |
Euphoria Health |
9622 5288 | |
Sharon Luggett-Hassell (personal trainer) |
0400 232 503 |
[email protected] |
Northam Swimming Pool |
9622 1535 |
Bakers Hill Golf Club |
0439 930 339 |
Bakers Hill Tennis Club |
9574 1524 |
Wundowie Ladies Darts |
9573 6375 |
Wundowie Golf Club |
9572 3237 |
Wundowie Tennis Club |
0417 796 401 |
Wundowie Pool |
9573 6344 |
El Caballo Social Golf Club Inc. |
9573 1288 |
[email protected] |
Special Interest Groups
Sing Australia |
9622 2306 |
Avon Valley Arts |
9622 2100 |
Avon Valley Environmental Society |
9622 1453 |
Bridgeley Centre - Craft Group |
9622 3981 |
Northam Aero Club |
0407 873 700 |
Northam Districts Historical Society |
9622 1843 |
Jeffrey Pollard |
Northam Men’s Shed |
0417 955 627 |
Northam Aboriginal Men’s Shed |
0438 995 246 |
Northam Theatre Group |
9622 3255 |
Northam Craft Shop |
9621 1288 |
Bakers Hill Spinners and Crafts |
9574 1556 |
Progress Associations
represent the needs and interests of the community
Walking Trails
- Kep Track
- Dorntj Koorliny (Walking Together) Track
- Mt Ommanney
- Burlong Pool
- Enright Park
Online Resources and activity ideas
Seniors recreation Council Add life to your years Directory
Trails WA
Trails in Parks
Citizen Science – Birdwatching
Citizen Science – Recording Wildlife
Active Transport
Mind Games – Thinko!
Other community services
Killara Day and Respite Centre 9622 5765
Meals on Wheels 9622 5195
Share and Care Community Services Group 9622 2828
Wheatbelt Aboriginal Health Service 9690 2888