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Street Tree Planting

Street trees in NorthamTrees are an integral part of the fabric of the urban and country environment and their contribution is both physical and psychological. The Shire is committed to promoting, enhancing and maintaining its tree planting/streetscape programme.

The Shire Parks and Gardens staff are solely responsible for the planting of all trees on street verges and in reserves, revegetation of denuded sites and various community tree planting projects. In the interest of vehicular and pedestrian safety, as well as keeping services clear, street trees on verges shall be of a specific species and planted within a particular alignment. All planting shall be in accordance with the Shire of Northam Street Tree Policy W 5.5As adopted by Council on 15 December 2010, and the Shire of Northam Street Tree Management Plan, as adopted by Council on 15 June 2011. To view these documents please click on the links below.

Residents of the Shire of Northam are entitled to a street tree or trees according to the following table, however it must be noted by residents, that Council shall supply and plant the tree/s. Any other maintenance required should be referred to the Shire's Parks and Gardens Supervisor.

Street Tree Alignment & Quantity

Street Tree Alignment & Quantity
Lot TypeNumber of Trees
Standard Lot 1
Corner Lot 1 on Short Side / 2 on Long Side 8 metres apart

The standard alignment for a verge tree is as follows:

  1. 5 metres from any crossovers;
  2. At least 1.5 metres from road or footpath;
  3. 10 metres from the road truncation;
  4. 10 metres from the road truncation;
  5. 2.7 metres from the front property line or in line with existing plantings.

Residents wishing to take advantage of this Council service should complete the Shire of Northam Street Tree Planting Request Form, which can be found at the back of the Street Tree Management Plan. For further information contact Engineering Services on 9622 6100, or email

Trees along house blocks