Burning Periods

Open Burning Period
May to September
- No permits to burn are required
- Ensure you have the right equipment on hand.
- Contact DFES communication centre before burning - 9395 9209
- Bare earth firebreak around the piles being burnt.
- Respect the Fire Danger Ratings
- Monitor you burns by at least 1 adult.
- Manage the smoke around surrounding properties and over the road
Restricted Burning Period
The Shire of Northam runs the Restricted burning period under 2 labels –
Autumn Restricted Period - 1st March until the 30th April, and
Spring Restricted Period - 1st October until the 30th November.
This time may be extended due to unseasonal weather conditions. Any extensions will be advertised on our website, social media and sent through our SMS Notification services.
- Permits to Burn are required if you are to burn on your property during these periods.
- During Spring Restricted period – properties over 2000m2 and outside the gazette townsite may burn small 1m3 of garden refuse (dry leaves, small branches, off cuts etc) in a single pile at a time between hours of 6pm and 11pm as per the Bush Fire Act 154 Section 24F.
- No campfires during this time.
- No burning can be undertaken when the Fire Danger Rating is “HIGH” or above.
Prohibited Burning Period
This period runs from the beginning of December to end of February.
- No burning is allowed during this this period.
- No campfires/ appliances requiring solid fuel during this time eg, pizza ovens, meat smokers, BBQ’s
- Appliances that can be used at your home are fuelled by gas.
- Ensure a reticulated water supply is available.
Cooking during burning periods
Solid fuel refers to products used to fuel the fire; Products such as wood, coal, wood pallets, etc.
Solid fuel fire pits, BBQ’s, pizza ovens and smokers are NOT allowed to be used during the following:
- Total Fire Ban
- Fire Danger Rating is “HIGH” or above
- Prohibited Burning Period
- Restricted Burning Period
Using Gas or Electric BBQs, pizza ovens and smokers can be used outside of these times and must follow the regulations below:
- The area surrounding the appliance above is clear up to 5m of flammable materials.
- Water Source is nearby