Community Planning
The Shire of Northam has been working with residents and stakeholders of Wundowie, Bakers Hill and Grass Valley to identify opportunities, initiatives and priorities to plan for a vibrant and sustainable future in each of the communities.
A community plan has been developed to formulate the Shire of Northam’s 10 year prioritisation guide on Council investment for Wundowie, Bakers Hill and Grass Valley. They are aligned to the Shire's Corporate Business Plan and the Strategic Community Plan 2012-2022. The community plans aim to encourage diverse investment in the region, inform infrastructure, planning and investment decision and maximise social, environmental and economic outcomes for each of the local communities.
Bakers Hill Community Plan 2017-2027
Grass Valley Community Plan 2018-2028 (draft)
Wundowie Community Plan 2016-2026

If you would like to find out more about the Shire of Northam's community plans, contact Shire of Northam’s Manager Community Development & Tourism, Jaime Hawkins on or [email protected].