Ranger Services
The Shire of Northam Ranger Services can be contacted on (08) 9622 7267. If your call is not answered immediately please leave a message and Council Officers will return your call as soon as practical.
Rangers are on duty from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday only. All calls outside these hours will only be responded to in cases of emergencies, such as:
- stock on Local Government Roads posing danger
- dog attack in progress or aggressive dog wandering at large
- animals in immediate dire need of assistance
Please call 000 for all other emergencies or if a Ranger does not respond within a short period of time regarding the issues listed above.
Ranger Services are responsible for the enforcement of State Government legislation and Council’s Local Laws for controlling dogs and cats, firebreak inspections, stock control, off-road vehicles, litter and parking.
The laws for animal control which Council enforces are set under State Government Legislation. All animals must be confined to the land in which they are kept by adequate fencing.
The Dog Act 1976 and the Cat Act 2011 are the main laws affecting animal owners in the Shire of Northam. For assistance please contact the Rangers on 9622 7267 (which is available after hours for emergencies only).