Capital Works Program
The Capital Works Program is a 2 year plan of road condition improvements.
The Capital Works Program Tracker is a live map showing where works are scheduled to take place.
Capital Works Program Tracker
The map below shows planned road improvement and rehabilitation works across the Shire of Northam’s Road network. Planned works include those to be completed in the current financial year and those on the Program that will be scheduled for delivery over coming years, subject to funding.
The interactive map allows you to zoom into a specific location, click on a coloured icon and find out more about the project. The map will be updated as works are completed, and new work programs are released.

The Shire is committed to keeping impacts of construction works to a minimum and to keep the community informed of upcoming works. As works progress road users and residents may experience:
- Temporary lane closures
- Traffic and pedestrian management
- Increased traffic in and around local streets due to detours
The Shire will ensure affected residents, businesses and road users are made aware of any works prior to commencement via media, letter drops and/or road signs advising of upcoming works.