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Citizenship Ceremonies

The Shire of Northam holds approximately fours citizenship ceremonies per year. Citizenship ceremonies are generally held at 4:00pm on a Friday afternoon.

How do I apply for citizenship?

You will need to complete the appropriate application form or lodge an application online (one for each person applying) or call the Department of Home Affairs on 131 881, they will post the necessary forms to you. Visit the Department of Home Affairs website for access to PDF forms or to apply online.

Lodge your completed application with the Department of Home Affairs, pay the required fee, approximately $285 per person and satisfy any other application requirements. 

Children 15 years and under don't need to apply, they are included on their parent's application. Anyone 16 years and over will need to complete a separate application. As part of the process you may need to have an interview and sit the citizenship test. More information can be found on the Department of Home Affairs website.  

The Process

The Department of Home Affairs will advise you direct by mail whether or not you have been successful.

The Department of Home Affairs will also notify the Shire of Northam of your eligibility to attend a citizenship ceremony approximately 2 weeks after you have received your notification.

The Shire of Northam will email you an official invitation to attend a citizenship ceremony approximately four weeks before the ceremony date. Ceremonies are closed off at least 4 weeks before the ceremony date to allow time for invitations to be emailed and certificates ordered from the Department of Home Affairs.

We do our best to accommodate fly-in/fly-out workers and people who are travelling. Please phone the Shire of Northam to discuss your situation.

From receiving your letter of approval from the Department of Home Affairs to being invited to attend a ceremony to make the pledge, can take three to six months. If you wish to be make the pledge with family or friends who are also applying for citizenship, you must let the Department know at the time of your interview, they will link your applications together.

Dress Code

The Shire of Northam's Dress Code can be accessed on the following link:

Dress Code for Citizenship Ceremonies/Profiles/northam/Assets/ClientData/Document-Centre/CEO-GL-01_Dress_Code_for_Citizenship_Ceremonies_V1,pdf

Next Ceremony

The next citizenship ceremony is scheduled in June, date to be confirmed.

More Information

For more information please contact the Governance Officer, Ms Tamika Van Beek on (08) 9622 6100 or