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Building Permits | Development Application | CBD Development & Connectivity Strategy
Economic growth is our major priority. Find information about residential, commercial and Shire development including town planning, building services, environmental health, economic and business information and support.
Report a Problem | Road Construction & Maintenance
Find information about ranger services, engineering and works, fire and emergency management, rates and access our online services.
Environmental Sustainability | Waterwise | Waste Management
Leading in sustainability.
Community Grants | Holding an Event | Northam Aquatic Facility
The Shire of Northam is a vibrant growing community that is safe, caring and inclusive. Find information for new residents, community services and programs including youth, seniors and access and inclusion.
Events Calendar | Ballooning in Northam | Visit Bilya Koort Boodja
Located in the heart of the picturesque Avon Valley, Northam is home to a diverse range of tourist and heritage attractions, including hot air ballooning, cultural experiences, wildflowers, tours & trails, historic buildings, horse racing, white swans, and much, much more.
CP.1 Council Members - Training and Continuing Professional Development CP.2 Attendance at Events - Council Members and the Chief Executive Officer CP.3 Code of Conduct for Councillors, Committee Members and Candidates CP.4 Legal Representation for Council Members and Employees CP.5 Approval of annual and long service leave for the CEO and appointment of an Acting CEO CP.7 Risk Management CP.8 Council and Committee Member and Staff Interactions and Requests for Information CP.9 Communications and Social Media CP.10 Smoking & Vaping CP.11 Alcohol Consumption CP.12 Gratuity, Gifts and Service Milestones CP.13 Acceptable Use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Resources - Council Members CP.14 Credit, Fuel and Transaction Cards CP.15 Public Interest Disclosure CP.16 Organisation Structure CP.17 Council Members Leave of Absence CP.18 Work Health and Safety CP.19 Code of Conduct Behaviour Complaints Management CP.20 Authorising Documents and Affixing the Common Seal CP.21 Fraud and Corruption Control CP.22 Condolences and Bereavement CP.23 Live Streaming and Recording of Council Meetings CP.24 Procurement CP.25 Investment CP.26 End of Year Surplus CP.27 Asset Disposal CP.28 Annual and Long Service Liability CP.29 Rates Hardship CP.30 Vehicle & Plant Management CP.31 Budget Variation Reporting CP.32 Community Grants Program CP.33 Art CP.34 Write Off / Waive Fees or Debts CP.35 Recognition of High Achievers Policy CP.36 Crossovers CP.37 Road Building Materials – Gravel CP.38 Street Trees CP.39 Verges CP.40 Asset Management CP.41 Heavy Haulage Cost Recovery CP.42 Commemorative Memorials and Plaques in Reserves CP.43 ALFRESCO – Outdoor Eating in Public Place CP.44 Short Term Use of Shire Ovals and Reserves for Accommodation CP.45 Temporary Accommodation During the Construction of a Dwelling CP.46 Disused Motor Vehicles CP.47 Conversion of Class 10 Buildings to Class 1 Habitable Buildings CP.48 Portable Signs on Thoroughfares CP.49 Political Issues Signs CP.50 Trading on Thoroughfares and Public Places CP.51 Designated Aerobic Treatment Unit Area CP.52 Amalgamation of Lots for Building Sites CP.53 Retaining Walls CP.54 Roof Drainage - Townsites CP.55 Signs – Building Permit Requirements CP.56 Records Management CP.57 Complaints Management CP.58 Property Management (Leases and Licences) CP.59 Consent to Consume Liquor in or on a Council Property (Public Place) CP.60 Multiple Dog CP.61 Privacy CP.62 Policy Framework CP.63 ICT Remote Access Management CP.64 ICT Cybersecurity Incident Management CP.65 ICT Security Access CP.66 ICT BYOD Management CP.67 ICT Password Management CP.68 ICT The Use of Artificial Intelligence
CP.1 Council Members - Training and Continuing Professional Development
CP.2 Attendance at Events - Council Members and the Chief Executive Officer
CP.3 Code of Conduct for Councillors, Committee Members and Candidates
CP.4 Legal Representation for Council Members and Employees
CP.5 Approval of annual and long service leave for the CEO and appointment of an Acting CEO
CP.7 Risk Management
CP.8 Council and Committee Member and Staff Interactions and Requests for Information
CP.9 Communications and Social Media
CP.10 Smoking & Vaping
CP.11 Alcohol Consumption
CP.12 Gratuity, Gifts and Service Milestones
CP.13 Acceptable Use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Resources - Council Members
CP.14 Credit, Fuel and Transaction Cards
CP.15 Public Interest Disclosure
CP.16 Organisation Structure
CP.17 Council Members Leave of Absence
CP.18 Work Health and Safety
CP.19 Code of Conduct Behaviour Complaints Management
CP.20 Authorising Documents and Affixing the Common Seal
CP.21 Fraud and Corruption Control
CP.22 Condolences and Bereavement
CP.23 Live Streaming and Recording of Council Meetings
CP.24 Procurement
CP.25 Investment
CP.26 End of Year Surplus
CP.27 Asset Disposal
CP.28 Annual and Long Service Liability
CP.29 Rates Hardship
CP.30 Vehicle & Plant Management
CP.31 Budget Variation Reporting
CP.32 Community Grants Program
CP.33 Art
CP.34 Write Off / Waive Fees or Debts
CP.35 Recognition of High Achievers Policy
CP.36 Crossovers
CP.37 Road Building Materials – Gravel
CP.38 Street Trees
CP.39 Verges
CP.40 Asset Management
CP.41 Heavy Haulage Cost Recovery
CP.42 Commemorative Memorials and Plaques in Reserves
CP.43 ALFRESCO – Outdoor Eating in Public Place
CP.44 Short Term Use of Shire Ovals and Reserves for Accommodation
CP.45 Temporary Accommodation During the Construction of a Dwelling
CP.46 Disused Motor Vehicles
CP.47 Conversion of Class 10 Buildings to Class 1 Habitable Buildings
CP.48 Portable Signs on Thoroughfares
CP.49 Political Issues Signs
CP.50 Trading on Thoroughfares and Public Places
CP.51 Designated Aerobic Treatment Unit Area
CP.52 Amalgamation of Lots for Building Sites
CP.53 Retaining Walls
CP.54 Roof Drainage - Townsites
CP.55 Signs – Building Permit Requirements
CP.56 Records Management
CP.57 Complaints Management
CP.58 Property Management (Leases and Licences)
CP.59 Consent to Consume Liquor in or on a Council Property (Public Place)
CP.60 Multiple Dog
CP.61 Privacy
CP.62 Policy Framework
CP.63 ICT Remote Access Management
CP.64 ICT Cybersecurity Incident Management
CP.65 ICT Security Access
CP.66 ICT BYOD Management
CP.67 ICT Password Management
CP.68 ICT The Use of Artificial Intelligence
LPP.2 General Development Guidelines LPP.3 Small Homes, Transportable, Repurposed and Second-Hand Dwellings LPP.5 Use of Sea Containers and Other Similar Structures LPP.7 Development and Subdivision Contribution LPP.8 Retrospective Planning Applications & Fees LPP.9 Northam Airport Development LPP.10 Developments Abutting Rights of Way LPP.11 Tree Preservation - Grevillea Street Subdivision Area LPP.12 Animal Establishments LPP.13 Ancillary Dwellings & Workers Accommodation LPP.14 Farmstay Accommodation & Bed and Breakfast Establishments LPP.15 Road & Subdivision Requirements in the Rural Residential Zone LPP.16 Advertising Signage LPP.17 Industrial Development LPP.18 Heritage Precincts LPP.19 Residential Design Guidelines for the Rural Residential & Rural Smallholding Zones LPP.20 Advertising of Planning Proposals LPP.21 Extractive Industries LPP.23 Outbuildings in Residential & Mixed Use Zones LPP.24 Outbuildings in the Rural Residential, Rural Smallholding & Rural Zones LPP.25 Spencers Brook Special Control Area (SCA3) LPP.26 Container Deposit Infrastructure
LPP.2 General Development Guidelines
LPP.3 Small Homes, Transportable, Repurposed and Second-Hand Dwellings
LPP.5 Use of Sea Containers and Other Similar Structures
LPP.7 Development and Subdivision Contribution
LPP.8 Retrospective Planning Applications & Fees
LPP.9 Northam Airport Development
LPP.10 Developments Abutting Rights of Way
LPP.11 Tree Preservation - Grevillea Street Subdivision Area
LPP.12 Animal Establishments
LPP.13 Ancillary Dwellings & Workers Accommodation
LPP.14 Farmstay Accommodation & Bed and Breakfast Establishments
LPP.15 Road & Subdivision Requirements in the Rural Residential Zone
LPP.16 Advertising Signage
LPP.17 Industrial Development
LPP.18 Heritage Precincts
LPP.19 Residential Design Guidelines for the Rural Residential & Rural Smallholding Zones
LPP.20 Advertising of Planning Proposals
LPP.21 Extractive Industries
LPP.23 Outbuildings in Residential & Mixed Use Zones
LPP.24 Outbuildings in the Rural Residential, Rural Smallholding & Rural Zones
LPP.25 Spencers Brook Special Control Area (SCA3)
LPP.26 Container Deposit Infrastructure
MP.1 Code of Conduct – Employees, Volunteers, Contractors and Agency Staff