President’s Message
Welcome to new Elected Members The recent local government elections has resulted in three new elected members being voted in the by the Community. Mr John Proud, Mr Chris Antonio, Mr Christopher Davidson, they join two re-elected Councillors, Mrs Julie Williams and Mr Rob Tinetti. I am very much looking forward to the new Councillors joining the Council and excited about the varied skills and experiences that they individually bring with them. Northam is on the cusp of an exciting future and I am sure the new elected members will enjoy the challenges and rewards local government offers
Community clean-up Day The Shire of Northam has teamed up with the Shire of Toodyay and the Bendigo Bank (both Toodyay and Northam) to create a fund raising opportunity for our local community groups. This is a road side community clean up between Northam and Toodyay where each bag of rubbish collected will earn the collectors chosen community group $5. This is a Keep Australia Beautiful/Tidy Towns initiative. We are planning on holding this event on November 1 so I look forward to seeing you all there. We are calling for individuals or community groups to register their interest in being involved. Numbers are limited to maximise the return to our community groups.
Spencers Brook Bridge Unfortunately the Spencers Brook Bridge remains closed to traffic. The bridge has been closed for some time on the advice of independent Engineers and with this in mind I would urge the community to follow the detour and not use the bridge. Council are working hard on getting a cost effective solution in place and are hopeful of awarding a tender for the refurbishment in November with works to commence shortly thereafter.
Wundowie Skate Park Opening It was a great pleasure to attend the opening of the Wundowie Skate park on Sunday October 18 2015. There was a great turn out to the opening for what I am sure will be a valued and well used facility for the town of Wundowie and its surrounds. The Wundowie community is growing and facilities for youth, such as the Skate Park, are important assets which will assist in catering for that growth.
Old Hospital Site Development Approved The development of the old hospital site is set to commence with a recent meeting of an independent Development Assessment Panel approving the shopping complex development, albeit with a wide range of conditions. This is one of a number of exciting developments happening in the Shire of Northam. Council will now work with the proponent to ensure all conditions are complied with and that the site is developed to the highest possible standard.
Bulk Junk Collection
The Shire will be placing skip bins in central locations in the following localities to assist residents with the disposal of large junk items. Items such as paints, oils, asbestos, household hazardous waste and tyres must not be placed in the bins. The following program is currently scheduled with further collections planned in early 2016.
Any queries in relation to the regional bins should be directed to Carmen Sadleir on 9622 6100 or [email protected]
Library News
C Y O’Connor Institute Student Art Exhibition The 13th of November will see Northam Library hosting the Annual C.Y. O’Connor Institute Visual Arts Exhibition. The exhibition will be open to the general public to view until the 23rd of November 2015
Christmas Pyjama Story Time Join Hayley and Sing Australia in the Children’s Library again this November/December, Tuesday evenings at 6.00pm for stories and Christmas carols starting November 24,th 2015. Children are welcome to come in pyjamas with our last night coinciding with a visit from Santa on the 15th of December.
Lunch Time Concerts Commencing Wednesday, November 4th, 2015, 12.15pm Northam Library will host a series of free lunch time concerts on the mezzanine of the Library, featuring local musicians. Bring your lunch and enjoy a little light entertainment to break up your working day.
Entries have been extended and will close 5pm, Friday 31 October 2015. Late entries will not be accepted.
All entries need to be accompanied by a signed Entry Form which can be downloaded from the Shire website. ( )
Ranger Services
Microchip Your Dog
Pet registrations are due for renewal on 1 November 2015.
Micro chipping prior to registration and re-registration of a dog is a legal requirement under the State Government Dog Act.
This requirement applies to all dogs being re-registered from 1 November 2015. The City has contacted all dog owners who have not yet provided microchip details of their registered animal reminding them of this legal requirement.
A dog can only be exempt from micro chipping if the owner provides a statement from a veterinary surgeon noting that the procedure will adversely affect the health of the dog.
Please note that after 1 November 2015, dog owners can be fined $200 on the spot for failing to have their animal micro chipped.
Public Health Survey Winner
Thanks from the Shire to all participants who completed the on line survey. Your responses will form the basis of actions for the proposed Northam Public Health & Wellbeing Plan.
All participants were put into a draw to win a $100 Voucher and the winner was Fiona Brayshaw of Northam, pictured below receiving the voucher.
The first draft of the plan is expected in November 2015.