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Ordinary Council Meeting - 18 November 2020

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - 05:30 PM

An Ordinary Council meeting will be held in the Northam Recreation Centre, Peel Terrace, Northam on 18 November 2020 at 5:30pm. 

Summary of Council Decisions:

Motion No

Item No





Lease of a portion of 44 Peel Terrace, Northam (Crèche)

That Council

1.    Accept the offer made by Ms Rebecca Davey to lease 270 square metres (currently occupied by Volunteering WA) of leasable area known as the Recreation Centre Crèche at 44 Peel Terrace, Northam, subject to;

a.   The financial offer to lease the area being not less than the independent valuation as obtained by the Chief Executive Officer;

b.   There being NO objections to the local public notice for the lease, in accordance with section 3.58 (3) of the Local Government Act 1995,

2.    Authorise the Chief Executive to execute a lease agreement, in accordance with this resolution and subject to the normal terms and conditions, for an initial period of 24 months.



Community Safety Committee Meeting held on 22 September 2020

That Council:

1.    Accepts the update of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan provided.

2.    Writes to the Northam shopping centres expressing Council concern for the proliferation of abandoned trollies in the community and requesting that shopping centre management engage with Council staff to develop initiatives to address these concerns.

3.    Accepts the Wundowie CCTV update.

4.    Accepts the update on the Shire’s community response to the COVID-19 pandemic.



Community Grants Assessment Committee Meeting held on 20 October 2020

That Council receive the minutes from the Community Grants Assessment Committee meeting held on 20 October 2020.



Audit and Risk Management Committee Meeting held on 12 November 2020

That Council:

1.    Endorse Policy F 4.2 Procurement Policy as contained in Attachment 1 subject to removing clause 7 of the proposed procurement policy (local price preference) and replace it with the exact wording from current Policy F4.4 Local Price preference;

2.    Revoke Policy F 4.4, Local Price Preference;

3.    Revoke Policy F 4.9, Panels of Pre-Qualified Suppliers; and

4.    Requires the Chief Executive Officer to enter a risk mitigation strategy into the Shire of Northam Risk register requiring the Procurement Policy to be reviewed annually by Council.



Governance Policy Review

That Council adopts the following polices and authorises the Chief Executive Officer to make the necessary adjustments to the Shire of Northam Policy Manual:

1.    G1.1 - Council Members – Continuing Professional Development subject to the following amendment to section 2.1 - CPD Hours:

The words “elected after 2019” being added after the words “Each Council Member” and before the words “must complete”.

2.    G1.2 - Attendance at Events – Council Members

3.    G1.3 - Attendance at Events – Chief Executive Officer



Shire of Northam Communication Plan 2020

That Council:

1.    Endorse the Shire of Northam Communication Plan 2020 as provided in Attachment 1.

2.    Request the Chief Executive Officer to seek community feedback on the communication platforms, as part of the 2021 Community Scorecard process.



RFT 13 of 2020 – Rehabilitation Oliver Street & Wellington Street, Northam


That Council:

1.    Award of RFT 13 of 2020 Rehabilitation of Oliver Street and Wellington Street, to the preferred supplier, being WCP Civil.

2.    Authorise the CEO to execute the contract with WCP Civil for the sum of $541,629 plus GST and approve any variations up to a maximum of 10% of the contract sum.



RFT 11 of 2020 to Supply and Construct Machinery and Storage Shed


That Council:

1.    Endorse the award of RFT 11 of 2020 to Supply and Construct Machinery and Storage Shed Operations Depot to the preferred supplier, being J&A Building.

2.    Authorise the CEO to execute the contract with J&A Building for the sum of $369,235.00 plus GST and approve any variations up to a maximum of 10% of the contract sum.



Review of Local Planning Policies – LPP2, 3, 6, 13 & 17

That Council:

  1. Adopts the following draft amended Local Planning Policies (Attachment 1) for the purposes of advertising:
    1. LPP2 – General Development Guidelines;
    2. LPP3 – Transportable, Repurposed & Second-Hand Dwellings;
    3. LPP13 – Ancillary Dwellings & Workers Accommodation; and
    4. LPP17 – Industrial Development.
  2. Advertise the draft Local Planning Policies in accordance with the provisions of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 for a minimum period of 21 days.
  3. Advertise the proposed revocation of Local Planning Policy No. 6 – Construction of Additional Dwellings on Rural Zoned Land.
  4. Receive a further Report to consider any submissions and modifications prior to adopting for final approval, the amended Local Planning Policies.



RFT 12 of 2020– Fire Mitigation Services Panel

That Council:

1.    Establish a panel of prequalified suppliers for Category 3 of Tender 12 of 2020 in accordance with Council Policy F4.9, and that the panel includes;

a.   Wheatbelt NRM,

b.   Morris Pest and Weed; and

c.    Natural Area Consulting Management Services

2.    Established the Panel Tender be for a period of 24 calendar months, commencing 20 November 2020 and ceasing 20 November 2022;

3.    Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to execute the contracts for each of the approved panel members;

4.    Reject all tenders for Categories 1, 2 and 4 of Tender 12 of 2020 as insufficient responses have been received in accordance with Council Policy F4.9



Accounts & Statements of Accounts – October 2020

That Council receives the payments for the period 1st October 2020 to 31 October 2020, as listed:

·         Municipal Fund EFT37861 to EFT38170 Total $1,551,151.58.

·         Direct Debits Total $121,930.01.

·         Payroll Total $723,493.00

TOTAL: $2,396,574.59

Which have been made in accordance with the delegated authority reference number (M/F/F/Regs LGA 1995 S5.42).



Financial Statement for the period ending 31st October 2020

That Council receives the Financial Statements, prepared in accordance with the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations, for the period ending 31 October 2020.



Rates Exemption – Lot 1 Waterfall Avenue, Northam WA 6401

That Council lie the matter on the table to be reconsidered at the December meeting



Sale of A12640

That Council:

1.    Pursuant to Section 6.64(1) (b) of the Local Government Act 1995, take possession of A12640 – 181 Wellington St Northam which has rates in arrears for more than three (3) years;

2.    Authorise the CEO to obtain an independent valuation for A12640 – 181 Wellington St Northam;

3.    Authorise the sale of A12640 – 181 Wellington St Northam by public auction with the reserve price set to be set at 90% of the valuation.



Progress & Community Associations 2020/2021 Budget Allocation

A.   Supports the following applications for funding, through the Progress and Community Associations, COVID-19 Response 2020/2021 annual budget provision;

1.    $5,000 (excluding GST) through the Progress & Community Associations Annual Allocation to the Bakers Hill Progress & Recreation Association for the purpose of the Bakers Hill Community Fun Day.

2.    $3,829 (excluding GST) through the Progress & Community Associations Annual Allocation to the Bakers Hill Progress & Recreation Association for the purpose of picnic seating and recreation centre benches, subject to final design and location being approved by the Executive Manager Engineering Services.

3.    $2,500 (excluding GST) to the Clackline Progress covered walkway at the Clackline Hall subject to the necessary approvals being secured and signed off by the Executive Manager Engineering Services

4.    $700 (excluding GST) to the Clackline Progress Association for the painting of the Railway Carriage Community Postal Agency through the Progress & Community Association Annual Allocation.

5.    $500 (excluding GST) to the Grass Valley Progress Association for the painting of children’s games at the Grass Valley Hall, subject to satisfactorily managing perceived risk associated with the use of the car park, or alternative area.

6.    $1,000 (excluding GST) through the Progress & Community Associations Annual Allocation to the Grass Valley Progress Association for equipping the Grass Valley Hall kitchen.

7.    $1,000 (excluding GST) through the Progress & Community Association Annual Allocation to the Grass Valley Progress Association for replacing the Community Noticeboard at the town entry.

8.    $971 (excluding GST) through the Progress & Community Associations Annual Allocation to the Quellington Progress & Sporting Associations for improvements and maintenance at the Quellington Hall, subject to final design and location being approved by the Executive Manager Engineering Services.

9.    $500 (excluding GST) through the Progress & Community Associations Annual Allocations to the Quellington Progress & Sporting Association for the purpose of their Community Christmas Function.

10. $16,700 (excluding GST) through the Progress & Community Association Annual Allocations to the Southern Brook Community Association for the purpose of Stage 2, flood lighting of the Southern Brook Hall Nature Playground, subject to final design and location being approved by the Executive Manager Engineering Services.

11. $2,300 (excluding GST) from the Progress & Community Associations Annual Allocation to the Southern Brook Community Association for the purpose of Nature Playground Launch and Christmas Tree Festivities.

12. $3,000 (excluding GST) through the Progress & Community Associations Annual Allocation to the Spencers Brook Progress Association for the purpose of purchase and install a rainwater tank for the Spencers Brook Fire Shed, subject to final design and location being approved by the Manager Engineering Services.

13. $3,020 (excluding GST) to the Wundowie Progress & Community Association for the purpose of the Wundowie Australia Day celebrations

B.    Supports the following applications for funding, through the Australia Day Celebrations Budget provisions;

1.    $1,200 (excluding GST) to the Bakers Hill Progress & Community Association for the purpose of the Bakers Hill Australia Day Breakfast

2.    $1,980 (excluding GST) to the Progress & Community Association for the purpose of the Wundowie Australia Day celebrations;

C.   DOES NOT support the following applications for funding, through the Progress and Community Associations COVID-19 Response 2020/2021 annual budget provision;

1.     Southern Brook Hall wider grounds upgrade through the Progress & Community Association Annual Allocation ($TBC).

2.     $15,000 (excluding GST) through the Progress & Community Associations Annual Allocation to the Wundowie Progress Association for the purpose of delivering the 2021 Wundowie Iron Festival, noting that budget provision will be made for the Festival in the 2021/22 Annual Budget.