Welcome to the Shire of Northam


Developments and Projects in our Shire

The Shire of Northam Administration Centre is located in the town of Northam, located 96km from Perth.   Please  contact  our  friendly  staff for further  information, by  telephone on  (08) 9622 6100, e-mail records@northam.wa.gov.au or visit the Council Offices at 395 Fitzgerald Street, Northam.

Just moved to the Shire of Northam? Head over to our 'New to Northam' page for more information on the many services and activities available, which may be of interest to you and your family.



Regional Capitals Alliance Western Australia

The Shire of Northam is a proud member of Regional Capitals Alliance Western Australia (RCAWA). RCAWA members are home to over 250,000 people – half the population of regional WA.

Combining strong economies and relaxed lifestyles, our regional centres are growth leaders for our state, building outcomes that benefit not just our immediate communities, but also provide growth to the whole of regional Western Australia. For more information head to: https://www.waregionalcapitals.com.au/