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August 2014

Created on: Monday, 1 September 2014 at 10:29:10 AM

Cr Steve Pollard

President’s Message

The Shire has a number of advisory committees and working parties that help inform Council of the various issues it addresses. This month I will highlight some of these committees, the details of which are on our website under ‘Our Council’.

Northam Art Collection Committee
The Shire has assembled quite a body of artwork over the years but unfortunately many of the works are in general storage. The aim of this committee is to get the art out into the public domain.

Regional Centres Development Plan (Super Towns)
The Shire was heavily involved in developing the Northam Regional Centre Growth Plan in 2012 to help guide and manage economic and population growth for the next 20 years and beyond. The plan has been accepted by the State Government and is highly precinct based, meaning similar activities should occur in close proximity to each other. We have a health precinct centred around the Northam Regional Hospital for example.
There are 12 focus areas in total including:

  • Industrial Development areas
  • Health Precinct Development
  • Central Business Area Development
  • Avon River and Bernard Park improvement
  • Urban Regeneration
  • Education Precinct
  • Equine Precinct
  • West Northam Renewal Project
  • Western Access Way Bridge and Entry Statements

Safer Northam Committee
This committee is working towards making living in the Shire of Northam as safe as possible. CCTVs are a key tool helping with this issue and examples of these can be found in our Northam CBD area.
Intervention programs to help troubled people before they act up is also seen as very useful to long term community safety.

Shire budget 2014/15
The Shire has a 10 year Long Term Financial Plan which seeks to smooth out the highs and lows in our financial arrangements. The plan has an underlying 5% rate rise embedded in it to allow the Shire to operate sustainably and undertake the various capital works projects that we think are necessary to better serve our residents. I am pleased to advise that our budget this year has met that underlying principle and the average rate rise is 5%. This compares most favourably with Shires in our local vicinity and justifies the hard work we have all put in to our forward strategic planning. Rate notices will issue shortly with a due date of 8th October.

DrumMuster: Rinse them out, round them up and run them in


The next DrumMuster in the Shire of Northam is scheduled for 17 September 2014 at the Old Quarry Landfill Site in Northam.

DrumMuster is aimed at recycling clean and dry drums from growers, farmers and chemical users throughout Australia.

Eligible containers are those with the DrumMuster logo, and they must be clean i.e. triple rinsed or cleaned with high pressure and left with lids off to dry.

Once the containers are received, they are crushed or shredded and transformed into practical items such as plastic cable covers, wheelie bins, bollards and irrigation pipes. More information is available from the drumMuster website at:

To participate in the Northam DrumMuster, please contact Susan Burley at the Shire of Northam on 9622 6113 to arrange a drop off time and advise of the number of drums you will be delivering.

Like Shire of Northam Facebook Page for Updates

Shire of Northam has completed one year of it’s active presence on facebook. The response for the page is overwhelming and more and more people are liking the page. It was on 21 August 2013 Shire of Northam introduced the facebook character - Cygnet Cyril as the Online Customer Service representative. This is the quickest medium through which information can be shared with the community.

Once you login facebook, search for “shireofnortham” at the top and like the page to get updates on what’s happening in the region. When you “Like” the shireofnortham facebook page, you get regular updates on events, public notices, ranger news, employment opportunities, library news, shire newsletter and much more. Contact Communications Officer George Paul on 9622 6150 or email [email protected] if you have any suggestions.

Shire of Northam Facebook Page

Budget 2014/15 Overview

2014/15 Budget adopted by Council at a Special Meeting on 14th August 2014, the Shire of Northam will be focusing on numerous key projects this year.

In the Recreation Services portfolio, an automatic door is to be installed at the Recreation Centre to make entry and exit into the Centre easier for all users. An engineer will be engaged to evaluate and assess the viability of the Northam Swimming Pool and with assistance of funding from the Department of Sport and Recreation, a Club Development Officer will be appointed on a part time basis over two years. The Club Development Officer’s role will be to develop and implement initiatives that will assist local Clubs to provide a better service to the community. The Shire will also continue with the planning for the development of the Wundowie Skate Park and will be seeking grant funding for this project.

The Engineering Services budget this year is aimed to deliver significant key projects throughout the Shire addressing road safety improvements, construction and maintenance works as well as particular focus on parks, gardens, reserves, airport, cemetery and drainage improvements.

Major projects include the construction of Black spot funded realignment of Mitchell Avenue and Newcastle Road Intersection, Regional Road Group funded widening of Southern Brook Road and Jennapullin Road. Other significant projects include gravel road re-sheet program, asphalt and spray seal resurfacing programs, and construction of footpaths, laneways.

A number of special projects have also been identified including development of George Nuich Park, and upgrade of playground and public open spaces, construction of carpark and drop off zone at the old railway museum.

The Engineering Services department have spent considerable time reviewing past performance looking for opportunities to implement best practice strategies with continual improvement with eager anticipation to successfully deliver the annual works.

In Development Services, operational focus will include the implementation of the cat sterilisation voucher program, fire safety preparedness, recycling promotion and property presentation compliance. Progression of Planning strategies will include development of a Local Biodiversity Strategy, Heritage Policy, Signs Policy, review of the Airport Master Plan, Heritage Inventory and Strategic Waste Minimisation Plan, as well as continued implementation of Northam Laneway Strategy. Notable projects for Development Services will include:

• Replacement of roof at Old Fire Station (Toy Library)
• Repairs to platform and presentation of old toilets including roof at Old Railway Station
• Solar panel installation at Northam Library
• Preparation for dredging on Northam River

The 2014/15 Budget will enable the Shire of Northam to continue to build on previous work to improve the standard of assets available for the community and services that improve the lifestyle we enjoy in Northam.

Ladies Morning Netball

The Shire of Northam Recreation Team are seeking expressions of interest from the public for participation in Ladies Morning Netball. Please fill out the questionnaire from the Shire of Northam website if you are interested in participating in Ladies Morning Netball and return to the Recreation Centre staff either by email or in person. Team and Individual Player interest is welcome.

Regular social sports are floorball on Monday nights, mixed netball on Tuesday nights and badminton on Thursday nights from 6pm. Keep fit and have fun with your friends in one of the social sports.

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