February 2014
Created on: Monday, 24 February 2014 at 10:58:43 AM
Avon Link Updates
The Shire of Northam continues to represent the Community to advocate for the retention of the Avon link rail service. The Shire of Northam is part of a working group that includes the Shire of Toodyay, TransWA and the Wheat belt Development Commission, established to develop a business case which is focused on not only retain the Avon Link but expanding its services to ensure it is more easily accessible. The business case will be presented to Government who it is understood will make a determination on the future of the Avon Link as part of the upcoming 2014/15 budget process. If the business case is successful a new expanded service will commence in July 2014.
Shire of Northam Chief Executive Officer said if the service continues beyond June 30 the community really need to take advantage of it or risk losing it. “I am confident that if the service continues and is well used it will be retained, however if the current trend of declining use continues there is little doubt the service will cease at some time into the future”.
Wundowie Youth Space
Planning is underway for the expansion of the Wundowie Youth Space. A very successful afternoon of consultation was held on Thursday 13 February where members of the community were able to put forward their ideas and wish lists for the space, including expansion of the skate facility.
The Shire of Northam has engaged the services of EnLocus to develop designs for the space to ensure the facility will meet the needs of the community and be unique to Wundowie. Wade Trevean from Enlocus and Ben Bowring from Skateboarding Australia spent the afternoon in Wundowie, meeting initially with the Wundowie Progress Association and the Men’s Shed to gain an understanding of the town and its vibrant history.
Over 30 children and youth met at the Skatepark to discuss their ideas and examine plans of other skate parks, considering the pros and cons of each of the designs in terms of how they would be used by the young people in Wundowie.
From here, a detailed site survey will be undertaken and a concept plan developed. Any members of the community who missed the opportunity to attend are still welcome to submit their ideas by contacting Annique Gray at the Shire on 96226129 or email [email protected]
New Shire Website
The new Shire of Northam website has received positive feedback and information continues to be updated and added. The website is designed to be more user friendly, structured, accessible and attractive. The new features include categorised public documents, document search, events calendar, weather application, drop down menus, quick links/breadcrumbs navigation, latest news/events updated on home page, online job application forms/ upload documents, a monthly PDF newsletter and subscription to an e-newsletter.
The website is calling for subscriptions for the eNewsletter, with the first edition distributed in January 2014. Because of the switch over to the new server, all previous subscribers to the old website are requested to re-register for the monthly eNewsletter through our new website.
Community Group Contact List
The Shire of Northam requests all community groups to check their contact details on our Community Group Contact List on the website and advice of any changes to Communications Officer, George Paul via email [email protected] or phone 9622 6152. This information will also be used to update the Avon Valley Directory which will be printed in March 2014, so your timely response is requested.
It is highly recommended that all community groups establish a group specific email account. This will not only protect the individual but enables consistency of contact for the group when office bearers change.
Removal of Bulk Recycling Bins-Peel Tce and Regional Areas
As the Shire of Northam has implemented its Kerbside Recycling Service, the bulk recycling bins at Peel Tce, Southern Brook, Grass Valley, Clackline, Bakers Hill, Wundowie and El Caballo will be removed permanently on 28 February 2014.
Recycling bulk recycling bins will still be available to residents free of charge at both the Inkpen Road and Old Quarry Road waste management facilities during opening hours to drop off recyclables. Should any residents or businesses like to commence or increase their kerbside rubbish services please contact the Shire of Northam’s Health Services on 9622 6100 or [email protected]
Get Involved BBQ – 8 April 2014
Joining a club or group is a great way to meet new people, develop new interests, learn new skills and stay physically and mentally healthy. For residents new and old this is a great way to kick start your involvement in the community.
Once again the Shire of Northam, WA Country Health Service, the Department of Sport and Recreation and Act Belong Commit are inviting community and sporting groups to be a part of this year’s ‘Get Involved’ BBQ. We are currently looking for representatives from all groups and clubs to come down on the night, have an information stand and provide advice on your activities and memberships.
‘No Chickens’ – A different hypnosis show to wow the audience
Turning the traditional hypnosis show on its head, Get Hypnotised! The Matthew Hale Comedy Show will highlight the talents and creativity of the audience volunteers. The entire audience will be laughing at this multi-award winning show that is now a regular on the UK and Vegas performance scenes. Matthew’s shows are fast paced, funny and full of guests. Both audience and volunteers will have an amazing experience that they will remember for a long time, (and the ones that didn’t volunteer will probably leave thinking about doing so next time!).
Tickets are free; please register your interest with the Northam Visitor Centre on 9622 2100 as numbers are limited.
DrumMuster: Rinse them out, round them up and run them in
The next DrumMuster in the Shire of Northam is scheduled for 12 March 2014 at the Old Quarry Landfill Site in Northam. DrumMuster is aimed at recycling clean and dry drums from growers, farmers and chemical users throughout Australia. Eligible containers are those with the DrumMuster logo, and they must be clean i.e. triple rinsed or cleaned with high pressure and left with lids off to dry.
Once the containers are received, they are crushed or shredded and transformed into practical items such as plastic cable covers, wheelie bins, bollards and irrigation pipes. More information is available from the drumMuster website at: www.drummuster.com.au
To participate in the Northam DrumMuster please contact Susan Burley at the Shire of Northam on 9622 6113 to arrange a drop off time and advise of the number of drums you will be delivering.
Summer Concerts 2014
Pdf Version of the February 2014 Newsletter can be downloaded by Clicking Here.
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