Container Deposit Scheme
Feel like earning a 10 cent refund on your eligible recyclable drink containers?
Head to Avon Valley Cash for Containers in Northam!
Avon Valley Cash for Containers is located at 51 Old York Road and is open Tuesday to Thursday 9 am to 5 pm, Fridays 9 am to 4 pm and Saturday mornings 9 am to 1 pm.

You can get cash for your recycled eligible containers, or preferably get yourself a Scheme ID through a quick online application on the Containers for Change website. With a Scheme ID you can simply drop your recyclables and go, you don’t have to wait around for them to be counted. Your refund is then paid directly into your bank account. Alternatively you can donate your refund to a community group by quoting their Scheme ID.
While you can still recycle all your normal recyclables through your kerbside recycling bin or drop off service, only the below containers are eligible for the 10 cent refund.

Eligible containers include aluminium cans, glass beer & cider stubbies, PET or No. 1 plastic bottles (including water or cool drink), juice boxes and small and large ice coffee liquid paperboard cartons.

Image above taken from
The scheme focusses on containers that people normally drink from when they are out in the community, rather than at home. So look for take away style aluminium, glass, plastic and liquid paperboard drink containers, or check the container for a refund mark. Two litre plastic milk bottles or wine bottles that are normally consumed at home are good examples of containers that aren’t eligible for the 10 cent refund.
Avon Valley Cash for Containers in Northam also have the following tips:
- Please make sure that all lids are removed from containers, that there is no debris inside them, and that they are dry.
- While plastic bottle lids are not eligible for a 10 cent refund, Avon Valley Cash for Containers accepts plastic bottle lids if you collect them and bring them in a separate bag. They are sent off to plastics recyclers and made into prosthetics and clothing.
- Containers that are a bit damaged are okay, but we have to be able to identify them.
- Please keep the bags or containers you use to bring your eligible containers in to a manageable weight for you to carry.
- If you can, separate your eligible containers into the 4 categories of: 1) plastic, 2) glass, 3) aluminium and 4) liquid paperboard.
- If you have a bulk supply of eligible containers, please contact Avon Valley Cash for Containers (Site 0409 647 799 or Manager/Principal on 0409 473 388) as they may be able to collect bulk recycled eligible containers, depending on how many eligible containers you have and your location.
If you live closer to Wundowie, you can drop your bags (with your Scheme ID written on them) into the large metal Containers for Change bin outside the Wundowie IGA X-Press Plus Liquor. Please note, if you have very large bags or bulka bags of eligible containers that won't fit inside the large metal bin, please drop these in on a Monday morning as this is the day they are collected. This prevents staff from having to lug enormous bags in and out of the premises every night.
If you are located in other parts of the Shire of Northam, there are also other bag drop and depot facilities for your eligible containers at other Containers for Change businesses in Toodyay, York, Goomalling and Beverley. Simply enter your locality or postcode on the Containers for Change website for a list of local providers.
If you are uncertain about whether a container is eligible or not, you can click here for a detailed list of eligible and excluded containers.
You can also check out the Containers for Change website for further information on the scheme -