General Household Waste
The Shire provides a standard two bin system to residential properties within the Shire. This includes a:
- 240-litre waste bin (green lid), collected weekly
- 240-litre recycling bin (yellow lid), collected fortnightly
Only bins issued by the Shire of Northam are eligible for a collection service. Our service contractor is Avon Waste for both our General Waste and Recycling bins.
Bin day tips
- Make sure bins are out by 6am on your collection day, with lids closed.
- Bins exceeding 70kg will not be lifted by the truck.
- Bins are not transferable and must remain on the property.
- Return bins to your property as soon as possible (no later than 24 hours after collection).
- Overfilling or jamming waste/recycling into your bin prevents the lid from closing. This results in wind-blown litter, spillages during collection and prevents your bin from being emptied properly.

Bin Repairs & Replacements
- Please contact the Shire to request repairs for any existing wheelie bins. This can be done by emailing [email protected] - please be sure to include your address details.
- The Shire of Northam also undertakes repairs to damaged bins as required.
- Please note, unless wheelie bins are irreparable/unserviceable, they will be repaired.
- Please also allow 2 weeks for the Shire of Northam's contractor to undertake the repair or deliver a replacement.
- From the 17 April 2019 the Shire of Northam has provided both general waste and recycling 240L bins. Bins provided by the Shire of Northam remain the property of the Shire of Northam and must be left at the premises if the property is sold.
Find Your Bin Day
To Find your bin day click here to view new our interactive map, then click the search button and enter your address.
Recycling Bin
What you can place in your recycling bin
- Newspaper, magazines and junk mail
- Flattened cardboard boxes, tubes and egg cartons
- Clean paper (not shredded)
- Tins
- Glass bottles and jars
- Plastic bottles/containers (lids removed)
- Milk and juice cartons (not foil lined)
- Steel and aluminum (cans, pots and pans)
What you cannot place in your recycling bin
- Polystyrene (meat trays, cups and beads)
- Green waste
- Liquids
- Clothing / textiles
- Aerosol containers*
- Soft plastics
- Food scraps
- Contaminated food containers (i.e. greasy pizza boxes)
Recycling bin tips (yellow lid)
- Empty and rinse all containers before putting them in the bin
- Flatten cardboard boxes
- Please remove all lids from containers before placing in the bin. Lids should be placed in the general waste bin. *
- The film lids on plastic pots, tubs and trays can’t be recycled. Please remove these and throw them away
- You don’t need to remove the labels on jars and bottles
- Place bin out by 6.00am on collection day
- Place your bin as close as possible to the road/kerb (within 1 metre) in an upright position with wheels facing the house
- Return your bin to your property no later than 24 hours after collection

Additional Bin Services
The standard rubbish service charge provides each resident with a 240 litre rubbish bin collected weekly and a 240 litre recycling bin collected fortnightly. The Shire does not provide for a weekly collection of the recycling bin.
Ratepayers can request for an additional rubbish or recycling bin from the Shire. The additional charges are as follows:
Additional Rubbish Bin – annual charge $205.00
Additional Recycling Bin – annual charge $105.00
The request for an additional rubbish or recycling bin must be made by the ratepayer or managing agent as the additional charges will be imposed through the issue of an Interim Rates Notice.
Residential Bin Service Form
Commercial Bin Service Form