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May 2015

Created on: Thursday, 28 May 2015 at 10:22:39 AM

Cr Steve Pollard

President’s Message

Aboriginal Culture and Environmental Interpretation Centre
The Shire has received advice that the Federal Government has agreed to commit $2.1m towards the expected $4.2m cost of constructing the above centre under a program known as the National Stronger Regions Fund (NSRF).

This is a tremendous achievement for the Shire and comes after a $3.26m contribution to our Recreation Centre in 2009/10 by the then Labor government, so we have been very well supported in recent years by the Federal government.

The centre is proposed to be built on the banks of the Avon River immediately adjacent to and connected with our Visitors Centre. We are waiting on the result of other funding applications to proceed with this project, the results of which should be known in the near future.

This is another example of the benefit of having good planning documents in place, thanks in no small measure to the Super Towns process and funding provided for that process from the State Government Royalties for Regions program.

Corporate Business Plan
Under State Government requirements, the Shire is involved in the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IPRF). Our Corporate business plan outlines how we intend to work towards achieving the goals identified in our Community Strategic Plan (CSP). The business plan is to be reviewed annually and we are completing that process now. The 2015/16 budget and all of our programs flow out of that process. Rates, Fees and Charges and Service Level Agreements are also being reviewed now to ensure we are ready to go once the new financial year starts on 1st July.

Mens Forum

Banners in the Terrace Competition Winner

Banners in the Terrace is one of WA’s largest community arts projects that features banners from all over WA. Schools and community groups within the Shire of Northam were invited to participate by submitting their creative designs based on this year’s theme ‘Local Government Switched On’.

Congratulations to Avonvale Primary School on winning the Shire of Northam ‘Banners in the Terrace’ competition. Their design captured Northam perfectly and they will now go in the running to win the state competition which will be exhibited along St Georges and Adelaide Terraces in the City of Perth during the WA Local Government Convention in August 2015.

Northam Library

After School Art Class
8 years and up
3.30pm – 4.30pm
Further details can be found at:

Mother and Toddlers Crafting Group
10.30am – 11.00am. Spaces are limited. So please email Hayley to book in on [email protected]

Better Beginnings
10.00am-10.30am 0-5 years

Perspectives Discussion Group
All welcome
1.30pm – 2.30pm

Wundowie Library

9.00am—10.00am first session
10.00am -11.00am second session
Children need to be at least 8 years of age to register and parents will need to fill in a cyber registration form for their children before they can commence.


Better Beginnings

Mornings Reading Session
9.30am 2-5 year olds

Basic Computing Class

Intermediate Computing Class
Bookings are essential as places are limited and on a first come, first serve basis. For more information please ring Kaye on 95736205

Community Survey

The Shire of Northam is really interested in promoting a healthy and happy community. We are currently developing a Public Health and Wellbeing Plan that will help us manage the health of our residents into the future. An important part of ensuring the Plan meets your needs is to ask for your input about local priorities that affect your and your family’s health and wellbeing both now and into the future. You can have your say about local health and wellbeing issues and directions by completing this survey.

Visit Shire of Northam website to complete the survey. ( Your opinions are very important. In appreciation of your time, all surveys submitted will go in the draw for a $100 grocery voucher.

The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete online. Please pass on to any friends who live, work or play in Northam.

If you have any questions regarding the survey or the Plan please contact Gillian Mansfield, Senior Environmental Health on [email protected]

Scheme Amendment No.2

Notice is hereby given for public information and comment that Council resolved to initiate Scheme Amendment No.2 to Local Planning Scheme No.6 at its Ordinary Council Meeting held 18th February 2015 for the rezoning of Lot 402 East Street, Northam from ‘Reserve – Park and Recreation’ zoning to a ‘Residential R20’ zoning.

A copy of the proposed Scheme Amendment 2 can be viewed at the Shire of Northam Administration Offices located at 395 Fitzgerald Street, Northam or alternatively on the Shire of Northam’s website at

Engineering Services

Gravel Road Maintenance Grading

The Shire of Northam has made changes to its existing gravel road maintenance practices which used to incorporate a bi-annual cycle of a light grading and a rip and grade across the gravel road network. The amended practice will now incorporate a continual cycle of ripping and grading of Gravel Roads throughout the year. Although this improved maintenance practice will take longer to perform, it is expected to provide an improved longer lasting treatment.

Commencing in the 2015/2016 financial year residents will now be able to view progress throughout the year of the Maintenance Grading Program by visiting the Shire of Northam Website. Further information can also be provided by calling the Council Depot on 9621 2263. 

Lighting of Fires

Unfortunately wood fires and the burning of garden waste sometimes produces excessive smoke, can cause discomfort to neighbours and contribute to the pollution haze over our Shire. People undertaking burning activities need to be mindful of their neighbours, the environment and legislative requirements and ensure they are not creating a nuisance.


  • Burn with a HOT, WELL-AERATED FIRE, so to minimise creation of smoke;
  • Material to be burnt must be ORGANIC and DRY (Not green);
  • NOTIFY your NEIGHBOURS of your intention to burn so they too can prepare and maybe remove washing from the line or arrange to not be home;
  • Awareness of WIND DIRECTION and SPEED will also assist you in protecting the amenity of your neighbourhood and the health and safety of residents.

Shire’s Health Local Law:-

  • It is an offence to cause or permit the escape of smoke, dust, fumes or foul odours from the premises in such quantity as to cause a nuisance or be a nuisance.
  • Penalty is $125 Infringement

Bush Fires Act 1954:-

  • A permit is required during the ‘restricted burning season’;
  • No burning may be conducted during the ‘prohibited burning season’;
  • You may burn material using an approved incinerator or by burning a single pile of material in a clearing of 5-metre radius from the fire on any day that is not a day of Very High or Extreme fire danger during the unrestricted burning period.


 dog ownership training


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