Community Safety Initiatives
The Shire of Northam has a strong commitment towards ongoing improvement and development within the area of community safety and crime prevention. Based on community feedback a number of initiatives have been developed within the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2022 - 2026 aimed to reduce the opportunity for crime in the Shire of Northam. This includes:
Eyes on the Street
Keeping Kids in School
Abandoned Shopping Trolleys
Home & Business Security Assessment Guide
Property Marking
Bikelinc / Bicycle Identification Card
Dob in a Dealer
Neighbourhood Watch
Northam Shire Youth Wellbeing Plan
School Leavers

The Shire of Northam has installed a number CCTV cameras in the Northam town centre, which are monitored by the Northam Police day and night. The direct monitoring of the network by the Police allows them the opportunity to respond before an incident escalates. The footage recorded by the CCTV cameras may also be used as evidence in the prosecution of offenders by Police and the Shire of Northam. It is anticipated that the CCTV network will continue to expand to cover new developments and hot spots within the Shire in the coming years.
The Shire of Northam have recently been awarded $257,000 by the Australian Government Safer Communities Fund to develop a new CCTV network to monitor criminal activity and anti-social behaviour in Wundowie. This project is planned to be completed by 2021.
If you are considering installing CCTV in your own home or business ensure you use a licensed installer with the Security Installer’s Licence issued by the Licensing and Enforcement Division of the WA Police Force. A warning was recently issued by WA Police and the Department of Consumer Protection about a number of 'dodgy operators' advertising CCTV services in WA. Read about it here.
Eyes on the Street
Eyes on the Street is a former WA Police community safety initiative managed by the Crime Prevention and Community Liaison Unit. Eyes on the Street turns neighbours into the "eyes and ears of the police" by identifying possible criminal activities and suspicious behaviour and reporting it to the Police.
Crime Stoppers enables you to report suspicious activity quickly and easily. Reporting to Crime Stoppers doesn’t create an instant police response – it is an intelligence-gathering role. If you need direct police attendance or response, call 131 444. In an emergency, call 000.
For more information, head to:
Keeping Kids in School
One of the biggest obstacles facing students is the temptation to take a day off school without permission. Our community is working together in a bid to encourage students to gain a better start in life by attending school every day.
The Keeping Kids in School program is a coordinated approach to increase participation in school and reduce truancy involving the entire community working together to address the issue. Under the program local businesses have the right to refuse service to school aged students who are not at school during normal school hours is they do not have a valid leave pass.
Information packages, including posters to display in shop windows are available from the Shire of Northam, or can be downloaded here
Home Security Assessment Guide
You don’t have to be a security expert to keep your house safe from burglars. There are simple things you can do to improve your home security.
To support residents in taking an active role in reducing the opportunity for crime, the Shire of Northam’s Community Safety Committee has developed a Home Security Assessment Guide which can be used to identify security issues in their home.
It is recommended that the completed Home Security Assessment Guide is then taken to your local hardware store for advice on cost effective products to assist with securing your home.
Business Security
Identifying the potential areas of vulnerability and knowing how to improve your current security will reduce the risk of crime against your business.
For information and tips to help improve the security of your business please feel free to download the Shire of Northam Business Security brochure.
Property Marking
UV property marking pens are available at the Wundowie and Northam Libraries for community members to borrow. Marking your property makes ownership clear and gives you a greater chance of having your belongings returned if they are stolen.
This is an initiative of the Shire of Northam Community Safety Committee.
Bikelink / Bicycle Identification Card
Your bicycle is a valuable item and it can be an easy target for thieves. Thousands of bikes are stolen each year and many of these are recovered by the Police. Most cannot be identified and returned to their rightful owner because the identifying features are not recorded.
Bikelinc is a free service powered by Crime Stoppers WA that helps police and the community recover lost and stolen bikes and return them to their rightful owner. You can register your bike details at, and if located it can easily be returned to you by the Police or the community. Alternatively record your bicycle details below using the Shire of Northam Bicycle Identification Card and file it away. If your bicycle is ever stolen you can provide this card to the Police and increase the chance of your bicycle being returned to you.

Property Marking
UV property marking pens are available at the Wundowie and Northam Libraries for community members to borrow. Marking your property makes ownership clear and gives you a greater chance of having your belongings returned if they are stolen.
This is an initiative of the Shire of Northam Community Safety Committee.
Dob in a Dealer
Crime Stoppers enables you to report something suspicious you may have noticed after a possible crime has occurred. The service allows you to remain anonymous.
If you’ve seen something, report it. Create a safer community for all of us.
Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or online
Neighbourhood Watch
There are a number of Neighbourhood Watch groups established in the Shire of Northam. Further information on these groups or to start your own group can be found here.
Northam Shire Youth Wellbeing Plan
The Shire of Northam is an actively involved in achieving the objectives of the Northam Youth Wellbeing Plan. This plan seeks to address the harms associated with alcohol and other drug use, build resilience and improve wellbeing to reduce the incidence of risky behaviours of young people within the community through:
- Actively supporting partnerships between community and service providers to identify and address local issues.
- Provide a means to coordinate, implement and evaluate an evidence-based, whole of community approach in a timely and appropriate manner.
Specialist Methamphetamine Team in Northam
Holyoake has established a specialist team to provide intensive support to people using methamphetamines and their families. The team includes a Doctor, Clinical Nurse, Case Manager, Peer Workers, Family Support Workers and Counsellors operating from one convenient location. The team offers:
- Medical assessment;
- Support to address mental health issues related to the use of methamphetamines;
- General health screening and referral;
- Case management support to address other life issuers such as financial, housing and legal;
- Inclusion of family and support networks through the Peer and Family Support Workers; and
- Access to counselling tailored to addressing use of methamphetamines.
This program provides an opportunity to receive continuous support over a long period to achieve sustainable change.
If you or someone you care about is affected by the use of methamphetamines, please call 08 9622 1029 or email [email protected] for more details.
Road Safety
The Shire of Northam has committed to adopting and applying policies and practices that make an effective and sustainable contribution to improving road safety for our community, by registering as a RoadWise Council.
RoadWise Councils is an initiative of the WA Local Government Association (WALGA) through which our Shire will work towards implementing best practice, evidence-based road safety initiatives aimed at creating a safer local road network.
By applying the safe system approach, we are looking beyond existing practices towards systematically planning and designing a sustainable and inherently safe road transport system for all road users in our community.
With support from WALGA’s team of road safety experts, the Shire of Northam will be progressing its works to ensure road safety is considered at all levels.
If you would like more information about RoadWise please contact Ms Tracey Peacock, Road Safety Advisor (WALGA) on 0477 272 466
or [email protected]

Don't drink & drive. If you require a taxi within the Shire of Northam contact:
Avon Taxis - 9622 2936
Northam Taxis - 0428 807 048