President’s Message
Bushfire Preparedness Once again I would like to raise awareness of the bushfire season which typically runs between November and April. Please be aware that we are currently in a prohibited burning period.
Bushfires can have devastating impacts on communities and preparing yourself, your family and your property is your responsibility. Please ensure that all precautions are taken to minimise fire risks and dial 000 in the event of a fire emergency. If you are interested in joining a local bushfire brigade and giving back to the community, please contact the Shire of Northam Administration Centre. I would also like to thank all volunteers for their continued efforts and commitment during the year.
Publications such as Prepare. Act. Survive can be downloaded from the DFES website to help you prepare for the coming bushfire season.
Christmas on Fitzgerald The Shire has partnered with the Northam Chamber of Commerce and the Women in Business group to bring the Christmas on Fitzgerald event together on Saturday, 12th December. Local businesses on the day will be descending onto Fitzgerald Street to offer goods at huge discount prices to attendees. Local shops will have extended trading until 9.00pm where you will be able to get dinner from one of the local food providers while watching the live music which commences at 6pm. There will be children’s entertainment and night markets with the main attraction being the official switch on of the Christmas projections.
Capital Works Program The Shire has recently completed its footpath capital works program for the year. Roads are moving along with the gravel re-sheeting program well underway. Two river fountains have been commissioned in the Avon River, these not only look great but also assist the health of the river through the summer months by aerating the water.
End of school year It is great to once again see our young people graduating from the various schools in the Shire and moving to the next phase of their lives. Congratulations and good luck with your future endeavours.
Facebook, Website and Twitter The Shire has a Facebook page and I encourage everyone to interact with us through that medium. Our Website has been a source of information for many years now... Our CEO Jason Whiteaker has taken to Twitter and you can follow him on @ceonortham.
Maintenance Works The number of customer requests that are being received is rising. The system is increasingly being utilised with many reports of minor maintenance coming in. Over the November period, as at 19 November 2015, the Shire has received 39 works related requests. If you would like to lodge a customer request, please contact the Shire Office.
Northam Aboriginal and Environmental Centre This is to be located on the southern bank of the Avon River in Northam. Progress continues with the tender submissions for architectural services and interpretation to fit out currently being assessed. Work is continuing on developing the tender brief for the construction of the centre, and discussion with relevant community stakeholders is soon to commence once architects and interpretive designers have been appointed. It is planned for the centre to open in early 2017.
Swimming Pools are open With the warm weather once again with us, I am pleased to advise that both of the Shire’s swimming pools are open for public use.
White Swans Great to see three cygnets adding to the adult population. We have made some great inroads to mixing up the gene pool with the introduction of “Faith” a female swan from Melbourne Zoo. She has taken up as a flock with the two males from last years hatchings. With the comings and goings and the new births it brings our current swan population number on the Avon river up to 10. We are constantly looking at ways to continue this increase. Please be mindful that the swans and all the water fowl should not be fed bread as this can cause the young to develop “Angel Wings”. This is when they grow too quickly and their wing anatomy cannot keep up and causes them to stick out sideways.
Library News
Pyjama Story Time It’s that time of year again when the children can come to the library in their PJ’s to hear Christmas Stories and sing carols with Sing Australia in the Children’s Library each Tuesday at 6.00pm starting November 24th, with Santa paying a special visit on the 22nd of December.
Santa’s Mail Box as of the 22nd November
Santa has again asked us to be a delivery centre for receiving and distributing mail, so if your child has a letter for Santa bring it along and post it in the box that can be found at our front counter. As soon as we have Santa’s reply we will post it on his Mail board also found at the front counter, so make sure you check when you come in generally it takes Santa about four days to receive and reply to a letter, weather permitting.
Library Opening Times - Christmas/New Year Northam and Wundowie Libraries will close at midday on the 24th of December. Northam Library will re-open Monday the 4th of January, Wundowie Library Tuesday the 5th of January.
Summer Book Club 2016 Back by popular demand Summer Book Club will be held at both Northam and Wundowie Library through the month of January culminating in the “End of Summer Party at the Town Hall January 29th, and yes we are doing the scholastic book fare too. More details will be available on the library website mid-December and also on the Library Facebook page.
Community Clean-up
Community Clean-up – Northam to Toodyay The Shire of Northam teamed up with the Shire of Toodyay and the Bendigo Banks of Northam and Toodyay to facilitate a Keep Australia Beautiful community clean-up along the Northam-Toodyay Road this month. The activity attracted 73 volunteers and 410 bags of rubbish were removed from our community roadside.
National Asbestos Awareness
NOvember Is National Asbestos Awareness Month 2015 and Asbestos Awareness Day is Friday 27 NOvember. Visit to take the 20 Point Safety Check to learn how to manage asbestos-containing materials in and around homes safely. With 1 in 3 Australian homes containing asbestos in some form or another, and with the popularity of home renovation programs rising inspiring an ongoing boom in renovations, now more than ever before we want all homeowners, renovators, tradies and handymen in our community to Get to kNOw Asbestos by visiting and learn how to protect themselves and their families from dangerous asbestos fibres.